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  • Afghanistan

    Seven year old Shabana who was a refugee in Pakistan up until a year ago. She returned to Afghanistan with her family with the help of UNHCR. The United Nations refugee agency. The huge smile from Shabana is because that this photographer tried to speak Pashto. Her reactions was just wonderful, I dont think I have ever photographed a bigger smile in my life. Since 2002, more than 5.8 million Afghan refugees have returned home, 4.7 million of whom were assisted by UNHCR. Representing 20 per cent of Afghanistan's population, returnees remain a key population of concern to UNHCR. Refugee returns have dwindled during the past five years and owing to insecurity and a difficult socio-economic situation, only around 10,000 refugees returned during the first seven months of 2014. Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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  • Lahore Pakistan GPE
    Informal School Lahore Pakistan.

    Photography Sebastian Rich Global Partnership for Education ©
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  • Bangledesh

    Mother in the slums of Bangladesh. Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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  • Gold Corp Mexico
    Tarahumara Indian Northern Mexico
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  • Somalia

    Wisdom does not come overnight. ~ Somali proverb Photography Sebastian Rich All rights reserved

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  • Afghanistan
    Portrait of Ali Mohammed, age 57, internally displaced in Jawzjan province, Afghanistan. Photography Sebastian Rich?Magnum-Insights©
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  • South Sudan
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  • South Sudan
    A proud and dignified Sudanese gentleman in the United Nations POC (Protection of Civilians Site) Juba South Sudan ~ Photography by Sebastian Rich all rights reserved.
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  • Argentina

    The word 'gaucho' came into existence for the first time in 1790 to describe a very rough individual, with heavy manners, that would travel alone, sometimes with a woman, having as his only baggage, a knife called 'facon'. Gauchos belong to the Argentine countryside. They would be the ones who were familiar with all intricacies of the land and their animals, as well as the life of the natives they would fight. Gauchos would gather together in "vaquerias" for hunting purposes ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.


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    Reema eight years old, she and her family returned to Afghanistan from Pakistan a year ago. She says that she does like it in Afghanistan but misses the electricity and Pakistan has lovely smooth roads not like we have here in Afghanistan where they are bumpy and dusty. She wants to be a teacher and her favorite subject in school is writing classes "school is my most favorite thing in the world" She attends the Ansarul - Momineen School in Pajhman, Kabul District Afghanistan ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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  • Mahdiya is a Syrian refugee who fled to Lebanon after her house in Homs was shelled and destroyed.
    She has three sons, aged 15, 16 and 25 the eldest of whom is mentally ill.Mahdiya lives apart from her husband, who has another wife and family and does not support her.
    She lives in a dark, damp one-room garage originally intended to be a shop,
    " I hope for a clean house, a better house for me and my sons"
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  • Syria
    Rasmeyah a Syrian refugee living in a settlement near the city of Irbid, Jordan. ~ Copyright: Sebastian Rich all rights reserved
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  • Afghanistan
    Strong,empowered,dignified and proud trainee taxi driver Anisa Sar-i-Pui aged 40, mother of nine children  Mazaar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan
    Photography Sebastian Rich all rights reserved.

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~ We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods " ~ Brassai

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  • Somalia
    Schoolgirl Garaway,Puntland Somalia.~ Photography Sebastian Rich all rights reserved
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    Nomeh is seventy years old and is a Karenni refugee from Myanmar. Along with her daughter and grandchildren she lives at the Ban Mai Noi Soi camp in Northern Thailand.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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  • Somalia

    Schoolgirl Baidoa ~ Somalia ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Women's clinic Kabul Afghanistan ~ Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Loving husband and wife Monrovia ~ Liberia. Photography By Sebastian Rich.
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    A young refugee in Southern Sudan with her solar powered light. The light enables her to do her homework in the family tent at night ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Fifty six year year old Zeinab Abdallah fled from Tamfono village one week ago, with her son and daughter and brother, because of heavy fighting and lack of food. She says she is glad to be in the UNHCR camp Doro, Mabaan County, South Sudan. She says she feels safe but wants to go home soon ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Refugee South Sudan ~ Photography by Sebastian Rich All rights reserved
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    Young Sudanese refugee gathers material for building their family shelter.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    A refugee from Burundi living in Nduta UNHCR refugee camp Tanzania. War torn Burundi has seen armed violence for more than 40 years since gaining independence in 1962. killing more than 300,000 people ~ Photography by Sebastian Rich for UNHCR all rights reserved
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    Portrait of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent celebrating his 75th birthday. Photographed at Kensington Palace London England. Photography Sebastian Rich All rights reserved.
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    A Syrian refugee living in Amman Jordan .~ Photography: Sebastian Rich
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  • Katina photographed in Amsterdam.
    Photography Sebastian Rich/Magnum~Insights.
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    UNHCR repatriation centre Pershawar, Pakistan families and their worldy goods wait for the process of becoming an ex refugee to be completed so that they can start the long journey home to Afghanistan.This is Jamal Bibi returning to Afghanistan. She says " I have nothing here and nothing in Afghanistan but I am going home to die, my two sons died here in Pakistan I dont want to die here, I have nothing " Jamal is traveling back in a truck with other families. Photography Sebastian Rich
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  • IRAQ

    Noora is 8 years old and from rural Damascus. For more than three years she has suffered from a kidney condition but since war broke out in Syria, her family have been uable to get her back to hospital for any treatment. Reluctantly they left Syria four months ago. Her mother Fatima explained "The war was making life unbearable but the main reason we left is the war was stopping us for gettting Noora to a hospital for her final checks." The fmaily is now living in Basirma camp in Iraq Kurdistan, one of the smallest refugee camps in the region, and are hoping that now they are registered as refugees that Noora will be referred on to a proper hospital for treatment. Despite her health problems, Noora (which means 'blossom' in Arabic) goes to second shift classes in the camp school. Her mother says that the war has changed her forever however "Now she is often angry or shy or sad, all in one hour. The children have seen so much." ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Every now and then I meet and photograph some of the nicest and kindest people in very unexpected places and circumstances.
    Lieutenant Eman Mohammed Ahemed of the Sharjah Police department,United Arab Emirates. Photography Sebastian Rich/all rights reserved

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~ We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai
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    Al-Layyyah kindergarten, Sharjah UAE.
    Photography Sebastian Rich for UNICEF/ UAE
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    Juma Khai sixty years old internally displaced in Afghanistan because of severe fighting in her village. Juma is now living and working as a weaver of carpets in the village of Rabat,Chimtral District of Balkh Province, Afghanistan. Photographed 18/12/2017
    Photography: Sebastian Rich All rights reserved.

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~ We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai
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  • IRAN

    Father and daughter (Afghan refugess) living in a settlement in Shiraz Southern Iran. Despite the voluntary return of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi refugees to their countries of origin during the past decade, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains host to one of the world's largest and most protracted refugee populations. Between January 2002 and June 2014, UNHCR assisted 918,263 Afghans in voluntarily returning home from the Islamic Republic of Iran. A total of 30,349 Iraqi refugees have been assisted to repatriate voluntarily since 2003 ~ Photography by Sebastian Rich/UNHCR all rights reserved

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    The actress Pryanka Choppra in her role as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in the Syrian refugee camp Zatari, Jordan.
    Photography Sebastian Rich
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  • Martin Bell ~ OBE Born 31 August 1938, Redisham,Suffolk England is a British UNICEF Ambassador, a former broadcast war reporter and former independent politician. He was MP for Tatton from 1997 to 2001. A true gentleman of politics and journalism and a true honour to call my friend.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Old Palestinian gentleman Jerusalem ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Grumpy policeman in Times Sq New York on New Years Eve ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Sawera Niazmand, eleven years old, is the youngest daughter of Ms Aqeela Asifi, the 2015 winner of UNHCR's Nansen Refugee Award. An Afghan refugee, Sawera is a student at her mother's school in Kot Chandana refugee village. There are more than fourteen thousand refugees currently living in Kot Chandana refugee village in Mianwali, Pakistan. Ms Asifi has been recognized for her decades-long effort to promote education in this conservative community, where many have been reluctant to send their children to school.

    Copyright Sebastian Rich/All rights reserved

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    This is Hajjar ten years old one of Jordan’s 70,000, gypsy community, an Indo-Aryan people known as the Dom, Bani Murra,or Nawar.
    The Dom hold Jordanian citizenship and once held key roles in the military at the time of the country’s founding in the early 20th century. The Dom are believed to have migrated from the Indian subcontinent in the 6th century and slowly migrated through the Middle East, with evidence of Dom settlements in Jordan by the time of the Crusades.

    When King Abdullah I, looked to build a state in the sparsely-populated Trans-Jordan region in the early 1920s, the Dom were considered an asset and were conscripted into the army. But after hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled to or were driven into Jordan in the 1948 and 1967 Arab-Israeli wars, the kingdom was no longer in need of the Dom’s support, and the gypsy community soon lost its privileged status. ~ Copyright: Sebastian Rich/UNICEF/All rights reserved.


    We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~ We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai

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    A Syrian refugee living in Amman Jordan ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich
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    Carmen with one of her five children. After fleeing Honduras because of on-going death threats, Carmen and her children were attacked in their sleep by a gang with machetes not long after entering Mexico. Carmen and three of her children spent two weeks in hospital and she suspects the attack was connected to the gangs in Honduras. Today they are safe in the Tres Angeles Shelter. "We feel safe at this shelter. It is the first time we have felt safe in a very long time. I hope our asylum claim will be successful and we ca start to live again" Photography Sebastian Rich All rights reserved.

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~  We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai

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    A Congalise 'Blood Diamond' Miner about to swallow a diamond to hide from his captors. Conflict diamonds also known as blood diamonds,are diamonds that are used to fuel violent conflict and human rights abuses. They have funded brutal conflicts in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo and Côte d’Ivoire that have resulted in the death and displacement of millions of people. Diamonds have also been used by terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda to finance their activities and for money-laundering purposes. The divers and panhandlers are also victims of the virus  ‘trypanomiasis’by the bite of the Tetse fly causing the often fatal 'Sleeping sickness' ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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  • IRAN

    This is little Layla an Afghan refugee living in a refugee settlement in Iran. Despite the voluntary return of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi refugees to their countries of origin during the past decade, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains host to one of the world's largest and most protracted refugee populations. Between January 2002 and June 2014, UNHCR assisted 918,263 Afghans in voluntarily returning home from the Islamic Republic of Iran. A total of 30,349 Iraqi refugees have been assisted to repatriate voluntarily since 2003.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    A refugee from Burundi living in Nduta UNHCR refugee camp Tanzania. War torn Burundi has seen armed violence for more than 40 years since gaining independence in 1962. killing more than 300,000 people ~ Photography by Sebastian Rich for UNHCR all rights reserved
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    New born baby, Jalalabad Afghanistan with traditional eye make up. Copyright: Sebastian Rich/UNICEF All rights reserved



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    Portrait of a young Cambodian girl reunited with her father in a camp for displaced persons on the outskirts of Phnom Penh ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Children play in a safe play area of the UNHCR refugee camp Doro in Mabaan County, South Sudan. The children can play in complete safety without fear or hindrance ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~  We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai


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    Monk, Rangoon Burma ~ Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Portrait of schoolgirl Herat Afghanistan (UNICEF) Tented classroom.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Young girl in a refugee camp Baidoa Somalia ~ Photography Sebastian Rich for UNICEF

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    Smiling Gaucho Mendoza Province - Argentina. The word 'gaucho' came into existence for the first time in 1790 to describe a very rough individual, with heavy manners, that would travel alone, sometimes with a woman, having as his only baggage, a knife called 'facon'. Gauchos belong to the Argentine countryside. They would be the ones who were familiar with all intricacies of the land and their animals, as well as the life of the natives they would fight. Gauchos would gather together in "vaquerias" for hunting purposes.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    This is Malik Surgul fifty three years old a village elder in Pajhman, Kabul District Afghanistan. A returnee himself and is a great advocate of education both for boys and girls. He says that all though we are safe at the moment the Taliban seem to be getting closer and closer all the time, we are not sure what is going to happen in the future, we can just hope for the best. I dont think our government is strong enough to defeat the Taliban though. Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    This is thirty year old Minadar he has eight children (in this image with his eight year old daughter Noorzia.They all returned to Afghanist two years ago' in 2013. He says he didnt feel safe anymore in Pakistan . He has been a refugee in Pakistan sine he was one year old. But felt it the right thing to do to bring up his children in Afghanistan. He now works when he can as a daily labourer. He goes to the market in Jalalbad every day to see what work is availbe. He lives in a shelter  paid for by UNHCR as part of the Afghan refugee UNHCR repatriatiion scheme. UNHCR Sub-Office in Jalalabad was established in 1992, to assist and protect Afghan IDPs and returnees. Since the beginning of the Voluntary Operation in 2002, over 1.1 million returnees were assisted to reintegrate back in their communities in the Provinces of Nangarhar, Kunar, Laghman and Nuristan ~ Copyright Sebastian Rich/UNHCR All rights reserved

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  • USA

    Times Sq.New York. The day Obama became President of the United States.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All rights reserved.

    " We photographers are nothing but a pack of crooks, thieves and voyeurs. We are to be found everywhere we are not wanted ~  We betray secrets that were never entrusted to us, we spy shamelessly on things that are not our business ~ And end up the hoarders of a vast quantity of stolen goods "  ~ Brassai


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    Local in the town of Uriquie Mexico ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.


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    Ughul Juma seven years old weaves carpets with other weavers in Turkman Afghan refugee Village Pakistan. They weave carpets for a dealer/buyer in Perhawar who then sells them to European clients. They also make carpets to order for other refugees in the Village. She says that she hates weaving and would rather be playing tag and hopsctotch with her freinds . She wants to be a doctor one day ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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  • IRAN

    Portrait of a young Afghan refugee living in Iran. Despite the voluntary return of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi refugees to their countries of origin during the past decade, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains host to one of the world's largest and most protracted refugee populations. Between January 2002 and June 2014, UNHCR assisted 918,263 Afghans in voluntarily returning home from the Islamic Republic of Iran. A total of 30,349 Iraqi refugees have been assisted to repatriate voluntarily since 2003.

    Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    Elderly gentleman in an old peoples home Addis Ababa Ethiopia ~ Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.



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    Sunita aged nine lives in the remote village of Sinddhupaichok Nepal ~ Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.

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    World Portraits London Photography Sebastian Rich/Magnum~Insights©All rights reserved.
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    Young boy having breakfast Cambodia (UNICEF) Photography: Sebastian Rich/Copyright/All Rights reserved.


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